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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lilacs with Soul of mine, in earthly temple and I looked to Jesus in my sin

Soul of mine, in earthly temple,
Why not here content abide?
Why art thou forever pleading?
Why art thou not satisfied?

Soul of mine, my heart is clinging
To the earth’s fair pomp and pride;
Ah, why dost thou thus reprove me?
Why art thou not satisfied?

Soul of mine, must I surrender,
See myself as crucified;
Turn from all of earth’s ambition,
That thou may’st be satisfied?

Soul of mine, continue pleading;
Sin rebuke, and folly chide;
I accept the cross of Jesus,
That thou may’st be satisfied.


I shall be satisfied, I shall be satisfied,
When I awake in His likeness,
I shall be satisfied, I shall be satisfied,
When I awake in His likeness.

El. Nathan

I looked to Jesus in my sin,
My woe and want confessing;
Undone and lost, I came to Him,
I sought and found a blessing.

I looked to Jesus on the cross,
For me I saw Him dying;
God’s word believed that all my sins
Were there upon Him lying.

I looked to Jesus there on high,
From death upraised to glory;
I trusted in His power to save,
Believed the old, old story.

He looked on me; O look of love!
My heart by it was broken;
And, with that look of love,
He gave The Holy Spirit’s token.

Now one with Christ, I find my peace
In Him to be abiding,
And in His love for all my need,
In childlike faith confiding.

“I looked to Him, to Him I looked,”
‘Tis true, His “Whosoever;”
“He looked on me, on me He looked,
And we were one for ever.”

El. Nathan

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