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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Blue, Green, and Orange with “But for a moment”-this valley of sorrows and Some day ‘twill all be over

“But for a moment”-this valley of sorrows,
Darken’d with shadows and heavy with sighs:
Bright dawns the morrow, the glorious morrow!
Faint not!  The sun shall with healing rise!

“Far more exceeding” the heavenly glory-
Sufferings here with it cannot compare.
Glory eternal the guerdon for anguish-
Radiant crowns, for the thorns, over there!

Temporal things like a vapor shall vanish,
Higher than earth lies the land of our choice.
Upward we press to the kingdom eternal;
Jesus, our King, we behold and rejoice!

“But for a moment!” Only a moment!
Light our affliction-’twill soon pass away;
“But for a moment!” “Only a moment!”
Then comes the glory, forever and aye!

Adelaide A. Pollard
Some day ‘twill all be over -
The toil and cares of life;
Some day the world be vanquish’d
With all this mortal strife;
Some day, the journey ended,
I’ll lay my burden down;
Some day, in realms supernal
Receive, at last, my crown.

Some day I’ll see the mansions
Of heaven’s city fair;
Some day I’ll greet with pleasure,
The dear ones waiting there;
Some day I’ll hear the voices
Of God’s angelic throng;
Some day I’ll join the chorus
In heaven’s immortal song.

Some day I’ll see the Savior,
And know Him, face to face;
Some day receive, unmeasured,
The blessings of His grace;
Some day He’ll smile upon me
From that white throne above;
Some day I’ll know the fullness
Of His undying love.

Some day, some happy day,
The Lord will wipe all tears away,
And I shall go to dwell with Him,
To dwell with Him some happy day.

Dr. Victor M. Staley
And I shall go to dwell with Him,
To dwell with Him some happy day.

Dr. Victor M. Staley

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