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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Peonies and Asparagus with O brother, on life’s rugged pathway and I have heard of a land far away

O brother, on life’s rugged pathway,
Oft tempted to faint and despair,
Remember our Father in heaven
Will ever give heed to your pray’r.

The load may press hard that he gives you,
But strength he will give you to bear;
And ere you shall faint ‘neath the burden,
Remember the Hearer of pray’r.

Life’s sorrows may thickly surround you,
Your heart may be weary with care;
But comfort and help all sufficient
Are found in the Hearer of pray’r.

The way thro’ the valley and shadow
Leads on to a home bright and fair,
One only can lighten this darkness,
And he is the Hearer of pray’r.

Keep close to his side as you journey,
Trust ever his love and his care,
For nothing of evil can harm you
While close to the Hearer of pray’r.

He heareth your cry, all your need he’ll supply;
His arms everlasting will surely upbear;
Your courage renew, he careth for you,
And he will both hear you and answer your pray’r.

Geo. O. Webster
I have heard of a land far away,
And its glories no tongue can declare;
But its beauty hangs over the way,
And with Jesus I long to be there.

There are foretastes of heaven below,
There are moments like joys of the blest;
But the splendors no mortal can know,
Of the land where the weary shall rest.

In that noontide of glory so fair,
In the gleam of the river of life,
There are joys that the faithful shall share;
O how sweetly they rest from the strife!

There the ransomed with Jesus abide
In the shade of the sheltering fold;
Evermore by Immanuel’s side,
They shall dwell in the glory untold.

To be there, to be there,
And with Jesus I long to be there;
To be there, to be there,
And with Jesus I long to be there.

Rev. W. O. Cushing

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