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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dried Flowers and My heavenly home is bright and fair and What various hindrances we meet

My heavenly home is bright and fair;
Nor pain nor death can enter there;
Its glittering towers the sun outshine;
That heavenly mansion shall be mine.

My Father’s house is built on high,
Far, far above the starry sky.
When from this earthly prison free,
That heavenly mansion mine shall be.

While here, a stranger far from home,
Affliction’s waves may round me foam;
Although, like Lazarus, sick and poor,
My heavenly mansion is secure.

Let others seek a home below,
Which flames devour, or waves o’erflow,
Be mine the happier lot to own
A heavenly mansion near the throne.

Then fail the earth, let stars decline,
And sun and moon refuse to shine,
All nature sink and cease to be,
That heavenly mansion stands for me.

I’m going home, I’m going home,
I’m going home to die no more;
To die no more, to die no more,
I’m going home to die no more.

William Hunter

What various hindrances we meet,
In coming to the mercy-seat!
Yet who that knows the worth of pray’r,
But wishes to be often there?

Prayer makes the darkened clouds withdraw;
Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw,
Gives exercise to faith and love,
Brings every blessing from above.

Restraining prayer, we cease to fight;
Prayer makes the Christian’s armor bright;
And Satan trembles when he sees
The weakest saint upon his knees.

Wm. Cowper

Monday, December 30, 2013

Yellow Roses, Depression Glass and Brief life is here our portion and All hail the power of Jesus’ name

  Brief life is here our portion;
  Brief sorrow, short-lived care;
The life that knows no ending,
  The tearless life, is there.
O happy retribution!
  Short toil, eternal rest;
For mortals and for sinners
  A mansion with the blest!

  And now we fight the battle,
  But then shall wear the crown
Of full and everlasting
  And passionless renown:
But He whom now we trust in
  Shall then be seen and known;
And they that know and see him
  Shall have him for their own.

  The morning shall awaken,
  The shadows shall decay,
And each true-hearted servant
  Shall shine as doth the day.
There God, our King and Portion,
  In fullness of his grace,
Shall we behold forever,
  And worship face to face.

  O sweet and blessed country,
  The home of God’s elect!
O sweet and blessed country
  That eager hearts expect!
Jesus, in mercy bring us
  To that dear land of rest;
Who art, with God the Father,
  And Spirit, ever blest.

    Bernard of Cluny Tr. by J. M. Neale 

All hail the power of Jesus’ name!
Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.

Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe,
On this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe,
And crown Him Lord of all;
To Him all majesty ascribe,
And crown Him Lord of all.

Oh, that with yonder sacred throng
We at His feet may fall;
We’ll join the everlasting song,
And crown Him Lord of all;
We’ll join the everlasting song,
And crown Him Lord of all.

E. Perronet

Sunday, December 29, 2013

White, Yellow and The world is very evil and Ask ye what great thing I know

  The world is very evil,
  The times are waxing late:
Be sober and keep vigil,
  The Judge is at the gate;
The Judge that comes in mercy,
  The Judge that comes with might,
To terminate the evil,
  To diadem the right.

  Arise, arise, good Christian,
  Let right to wrong succeed;
Let penitential sorrow
  To heavenly gladness lead,
To light that hath no evening,
  That knows no moon nor sun,
The light so new and golden,
  The light that is but one.

  O home of fadeless splendor,
  Of flowers that fear no thorn,
Where they shall dwell as children
  Who here as exiles mourn!
‘Midst power that knows no limit,
  Where wisdom has no bound,
The beatific vision
  Shall glad the saints around.

  O happy, holy portion,
  Reflection for the blest,
True vision of true beauty,
  Sweet cure of all distressed!
Strive, man, to win that glory;
  Toil, man, to gain that light;
Send hope before to grasp it,
  Till hope be lost in sight.

  O sweet and blessed country,
  The home of God’s elect!
O sweet and blessed country
  That eager heart’s expect!
Jesus, in mercy bring us
  To that dear land of rest;
Who art, with God the Father,
  And Spirit, ever blest.

Bernard of Cluny Tr. by J. M. Neale

Ask ye what great thing I know
That delights and stirs me so?
What the high reward I win?
Whose the name I glory in?
     Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

What is faith’s foundation strong!
What awakes my lips to song?
He who bore my sinful load,
Purchased for me peace with God,
     Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

Who defeats my fiercest foes?
Who consoles my saddest woes?
Who revives my fainting heart,
Healing all its hidden smart?
     Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

Who is life in life to me?
Who the death of death will be?
Who will place me on His right
With the countless hosts of light?
     Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

This is that great thing I know;
This delights and stirs me so;
Faith in Him who died to save,
Him who triumphed o’er the grave,
     Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

Johann Schwedler Translated by Benjamin Kennedy

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Roses and Hark, hark, my soul! angelic songs are swelling and In Thy perfect peace divine

Hark, hark, my soul!  angelic songs are swelling
O’er earth’s green fields and ocean’s wave-beat shore:
How sweet the truth those blessed strains are telling
Of that new life when sin shall be no more!

Onward we go, for still we hear them singing,
“Come, weary souls, for Jesus bids you come;”
And through the dark, its echoes sweetly ringing,
The music of the gospel leads us home.

Far, far away, like bells at evening pealing,
The voice of Jesus sounds o’er land and sea,
And laden souls by thousands, meekly stealing,
Kind Shepherd, turn their weary steps to thee.

Rest comes at length, though life be long and dreary;
The day must dawn, and darksome night be past;
All journeys end in welcome to the weary,
And heaven, the heart’s true home, will come at last.

Angels, sing on!  your faithful watches keeping;
Sing us sweet fragments of the songs above;
Till morning’s joy shall end the night of weeping,
And life’s long shadows break in cloudless love.

Angels of Jesus, angels of light,
Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night!

Frederick W. Faber
In Thy perfect peace divine,
Keep, O keep me ever;
Where my faith will brightest shine,
Keep, O keep me ever.

At my post of duty still,
Keep, O keep me ever;
Learning there Thy righteous will,
Keep, O keep me ever.

‘Neath Thy all protecting wings,
Keep, O keep me ever;
By the soul refreshing springs,
Keep, O keep me ever.

Till my last expiring breath,
Keep, O keep me ever;
Thine in life, and Thine in death,
Keep, O keep me ever.

Let Thy heart my dwelling be,
Let Thy word abide in me;
In the path that leads to Thee,
Keep, O keep me ever.

Sallie M. Smith

Friday, December 27, 2013

Wild Tulips and High in yonder realms of light and We’ll sing of the statutes divine

  High in yonder realms of light,
  Dwell the raptured saints above;
Far beyond our feeble sight,
  Happy in Immanuel’s love:
Pilgrims in this vale of tears,
  Once they knew, like us below,
Gloomy doubts, distressing fears,
  Torturing pain, and heavy woe.

  But these days of weeping o’er,
  Passed this scene of toil and pain,
They shall feel distress no more,
  Never, never weep again:
‘Mid the chorus of the skies,
  ‘Mid the angelic lyres above,
Hark, their songs melodious rise,
  Songs of praise to Jesus’ love!

  All is tranquil and serene,
  Calm and undisturbed repose:
There no cloud can intervene,
  There no angry tempest blows:
Every tear is wiped away,
  Sighs no more shall heave the breast,
Night is lost in endless day,
  Sorrow, in eternal rest.

     Thomas Raffles
We’ll sing of the statutes divine,
Whilst pilgrims, lest here we despond;
But we’ll sing the new song
Of the angelic throng
When we meet in the city beyond;
When we both, you and I,
Having passed thro’ the gate,
Shall meet in the city beyond.

How blessed as children and heirs
To enter that mansion above,
Where the souls of the blest
Are forever at rest,
In the bosom of infinite love!
When the ransom’d of earth,
Having passed thro’ the gate,
Shall meet in the city above.

And whether we bear to that land
Heart sorrows or memories fond,
Shall their purpose be seen,
With no shadow between,
When we meet in the city beyond;
When the children of grace
Having passed thro’ the gate,
Shall meet in the city beyond.

Before they shall call He will hear,
And ere they cease speaking respond,
While the angels await
To throw open the gate
That leads to the city beyond;
For the numberless host
That shall sweep thro’ the gate
That leads to the city beyond.

When we meet in the beautiful city beyond,
We will sing the new song
Of the angelic throng
In the beautiful city beyond.

Mrs. Thos. May Peirce

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sunflowers and Who are these arrayed in white and Out from life’s shadows and gloom

  Who are these arrayed in white,
  Brighter than the noonday sun,
Foremost of the sons of light,
  Nearest the eternal throne?
These are they that bore the cross,
  Nobly for their Master stood;
Sufferers in his righteous cause,
  Followers of the dying God.

  Out of great distress they came,
  Washed their robes by faith below,
In the blood of yonder Lamb,
  Blood that washes white as snow;
Therefore are they next the throne,
  Serve their Maker day and night;
God resides among his own,
  God doth in his saints delight.

  More than conquerors at last,
  Here they find their trials o’er;
They have all their sufferings passed,
  Hunger now and thirst no more.
He that on the throne doth reign,
  Them the Lamb shall always feed,
With the tree of life sustain,
  To the living fountains lead.

     Charles Wesley
Out from life’s shadows and gloom,
Lead me, oh, lead me to Thee,
There in Thy sunlight of love,
Lord evermore I would be.
Thou who canst comfort and bless,
Be Thou my shield ev’ry hour,
Help me to live but for Thee,
Trusting Thine Almighty power.

Lead me, dear Saviour, I pray,
While o’er life’s desert I roam,
Guide Thou my wandering feet
On to that beautiful home.
Thou who canst still the dark wave,
Thou who didst walk on the foam,
Lead me, I pray Thee my Saviour,
On to that beautiful home.

‘Mid all the perils of sin,
Save me from Satan’s dark thrall,
Why should my doubting heart fear?
Thou wilt be all and in all.
And when my journey is o’er,
And from earth’s bondage I’m free,
Then to Thy haven above,
Lead me, O lead me to Thee.

Violet E. King

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mums and Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings and Amid the toil and pain of life

  Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings,
  Thy better portion trace;
Rise from transitory things
  Toward heaven, thy native place:
Sun, and moon, and stars decay;
  Time shall soon this earth remove;
Rise, my soul, and haste away
  To seats prepared above.

  Rivers to the oceans run,
  Nor stay in all their course;
Fire ascending seeks the sun;
  Both speed them to their source:
So a soul that’s born of God,
  Pants to view his glorious face;
Upward tends to his abode,
  To rest in his embrace.

  Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn,
  Press onward to the prize;
Soon our Saviour will return
  Triumphant in the skies:
There we’ll join the heavenly train,
  Welcomed to partake the bliss;
Fly from sorrow, care, and pain,
  To realms of endless peace.

     Robert Seagrave
Amid the toil and pain of life,
Amid its conflicts and its strife,
A precious thought to me is giv’n,
The thought of my sweet home in heav’n.

When lov’d ones fade and pass away,
And, left alone, on earth I stay;
To cheer my heart this hope is giv’n,
We’ll meet in yon sweet home in heav’n.

We’ll see our Saviour as He is,
Enjoy His love and taste His bliss,
And endless life will there be giv’n
In yonder peaceful home in heav’n.

No more we’ll reach the parting hand,
In yonder bright and happy land;
No more will sad farewells be giv’n
In yonder blessed home in heav’n.


O, home of peace, blest home of love,
Sweet home of endless life above;
When ties that bind to earth are riven,
I’ll seek thy courts, sweet home in heav’n.

E. A. Hoffman

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Daylilies and Away with our sorrow and fear and My mortal eyes have never seen

  Away with our sorrow and fear,
  We shall soon recover our home;
The city of saints shall appear,
  The day of eternity come.
From earth we shall quickly remove,
  And mount to our native abode,
The house of our Father above,
  The palace of angels and God.

  By faith we already behold
  That lovely Jerusalem here:
Her walls are of jasper and gold,
  As crystal her buildings are clear;
Immovably founded in grace,
  She stands as she ever hath stood,
And brightly her Builder displays,
  And flames with the glory of God.

  No need of the sun in that day
  Which never is followed by night
Where Jesus’s beauties display
  A pure and a permanent light;
The Lamb is their light and their sun,
  And lo! by reflection they shine;
With Jesus ineffably one,
  And bright in effulgence divine.
      Charles Wesley
My mortal eyes have never seen
The land of cloudless skies,
Where life’s fair tree, in fadeless green,
God’s healing balm supplies.

By faith, with visions reaching far
Beyond this earthly gloom,
Discerns the land where angels are,
Where flow’rs immortal bloom.

As earthly fruits with sweetness fill
The pleasant air of even,
So life’s fair fruits their sweets distill
Upon the air of heav’n.

None sick that rest beneath the shade
Of Life’s wide spreading tree;
The roseate cheeks of health ne’er fade:
They bloom eternally.

Sweet balm exhaled from fruits and leaves
Fills heav’n with grateful song;
No breaking heart in loneness grieves
Among the sainted throng.

O wondrous life! eternal rest,
No weariness and pain!
The loss of earth will bring me home
To heaven’s eternal gain.

Rev. Frank Pollock

Monday, December 23, 2013

Vases and Ten thousand times ten thousand and I am longing for home

  Ten thousand times ten thousand,
  In sparkling raiment bright,
The armies of the ransomed saints
  Throng up the steeps of light:
‘Tis finished, all is finished,
  Their fight with death and sin:
Fling open wide the golden gates,
  And let the victors in.

  What rush of hallelujahs
  Fills all the earth and sky!
What ringing of a thousand harps
  Bespeaks the triumph nigh!
O day, for which creation
  And all its tribes were made!
O joy, for all its former woes
  A thousand fold repaid!

  O then what raptured greetings
  On Canaan’s happy shore,
What knitting severed friendships up,
  Where partings are no more!
Then eyes with joy shall sparkle,
  That brimmed with tears of late,
Orphans no longer fatherless,
  Nor widows desolate.

     Henry Alford
I am longing for home
In that “Land of the blest,”
I am weary of toil,
And up there I shall rest,
And I think, O how oft,
When I’m worried with care,
Oh, how blessed ‘twill be,
When at last I am there.

I am longing for home
Where there’ll be no more pain,
I shall meet with no loss,
For there all will be gain;
Tho’ I know not just what,
The great future will be,
Yet I know it will bring
Naught but blessing to me.

I am longing for home,
Soon my journey’ll be done,
And I feel that my life
In that land is begun;
Soon the twilight of earth
Will give way to the dawn,
In the beauteous light,
Of that glorious dawn.

Longing for home, longing for home,
Longing for home in the land of the blest,
Longing for home, glory and home,
Home of the Saviour, of peace and of rest.

Violet E. King

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Assorted Flowers and Eternal Source of every joy and We are marching onward to the heav’nly land

Eternal Source of every joy,
Well may thy praise our lips employ,
While in thy temple we appear,
Whose goodness crowns the circling year.

The flowery spring, at thy command,
Embalms the air and paints the land;
The summer rays with vigor shine,
To rise the corn and cheer the vine.

Thy hand in autumn richly pours
Through all our coasts redundant stores;
And winters, softened by thy care,
No more a face of horror wear.

Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days,
Demand successive songs of praise;
Still be the cheerful homage paid,
With opening light and evening shade.

Here in thy house shall incense rise,
And circling Sabbaths bless our eyes,
Till to those lofty heights we soar,
Where days and years revolve no more.

     Philip DoddridgeWe are marching onward to the heav’nly land,
To meet each other in the morning;
We are pressing forward to the golden strand,
Where joy will crown us in the morning.

We are trav’ling onward from a world of care,
To meet each other in the morning;
Oh, the time is coming, we shall soon be there,
And joy will crown us in the morning.

We are trav’ling onward, and the way grows bright,
We’ll meet each other in the morning,
Where our friends are waiting at the gate of life,
And joy will crown us in the morning.

Where the hills are blooming on the other shore,
We’ll meet each other in the morning!
Where the heart’s deep longing will be felt no more,
And joy will crown us in the morning.

In the boundless rapture of a Savior’s love
We’ll meet each other in the morning;
Then we’ll sing his glory in the realms above,
And joy will crown us in the morning.

In the morning, in the morning,
We will gather with the faithful in the morning;
Where the night of sorrow shall be rolled away,
And joy will crown us in the morning.

H. E. Blair

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Lilacs and Praise to God, immortal praise and There’s a home far away in the land of the blest

Praise to God, immortal praise,
For the love that crowns our days!
Bounteous Source of every joy,
Let thy praise our tongues employ.

For the blessings of the field,
For the stores the gardens yield;
For the fruits in full supply,
Ripened ‘neath the summer sky;

All that spring with bounteous hand
Scatters o’er the smiling land;
All that liberal autumn pours
From her rich, o’erflowing stores;

These to thee, my God, we owe,
Source whence all our blessings flow;
And for these my soul shall raise
Grateful vows and solemn praise.

Should thine altered hand restrain
The early and the latter rain;
Blast each opening bud of joy,
And the rising year destroy;

Yet to thee my soul should raise
Grateful vows and solemn praise;
And, when every blessing’s flown,
Love thee for thyself alone.

Mrs. Anna L. Barbauld, alt.


Praise to God, immortal praise,
For the love that crowns our days;
Bounteous source of ev’ry joy,
Let thy praise our tongues employ.

Flocks that whiten all the plain,
Yellow sheaves of ripened grain;
Clouds that drop their fattening dews,
Suns that temperate warmth diffuse.

All that spring with beauteous hand
Scatters o’er the smiling land;
All that liberal autumn pours
From her rich o’erflowing stores,-

These to thee, my God, we owe,
Source whence all our blessings flow;
And for these my soul shall raise
Grateful vows and solemn praise.

Lord, for these our souls shall raise
Grateful vows and solemn praise;
And when every blessing’s flown,
Love thee for thyself alone.

     Anna Laetitia Barbauld

There’s a home far away in the land of the blest,
That is free from temptation and sin,
And I want to go there to be ever at rest,
With the ransomed all safe gathered in.

Yes, that beautiful home I shall see by and by,
Where no sorrow can ever oppress,
There no tears will be shed, there no words come goodbye,
But with Jesus I’ll rest, sweetly rest.

Oh, how sweet it will be when my Saviour I see,
As He sits on His beautiful throne,
All arrayed in His splendor, what glory there’ll be
In that home where no parting will come.

To be there, to be there,
With my Saviour His glory to share,
In that home, beautiful home,
Oh, how sweet it will be to be there.

R. A. Glenn

Friday, December 20, 2013

Memories and The leaves, around me falling and Light after darkness

  The leaves, around me falling,
  Are preaching decay,
The hollow winds are calling,
  “Come, pilgrim, come away!”
The day, in night, declining,
  Says I must, too, decline;
The year, its life resigning,-
  Its lot foreshadows mine.

  The light my path surrounding,
  The loves, to which I cling,
The hopes within me bounding,
  The joys that round me wing,-
All melt, like stars of even,
  Before the morning’s ray,
Pass upward unto heaven,
  And chide at my delay.

  The friends, gone there before me,
  Are calling from on high;
And joyous angels o’er me
  Tempt sweetly to the sky:
“Why wait,” they say, “and wither
  ‘Mid scenes of death and sin?
O rise to glory, hither,
  And find true life begin.”

  I hear the invitation,
  And fain would rise and come,-
A sinner, to salvation;
  An exile, to his home:
But, while I here must linger,
  Thus, thus let all I see
Point on, with faithful finger,
  To heaven, O Lord, and thee.
     Henry F. Lyte   

Light after darkness,
Gain after loss,
Strength after weakness,
Crown after cross,
Sweet after bitter,
Hope after fears,
Home after wand’ring,
Praise after tears.

Sheaves after sowing,
Sun after rain,
Sight after myst’ry,
Peace after pain,
Joy after sorrow,
Calm after blast,
Rest after weariness,
Sweet rest at last.

Near after distant,
Gleam after gloom,
Love after loneliness,
Life after tomb;
After long agony
Rapture and bliss;
Right was the pathway
Leading to this.

Miss F. R. Havergal

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Peonies, Book with There is joy among the angels and Some sweet morn a day will open

There is joy among the angels,
In the blissful courts above,
When they see a sinner turning
To the Lord of life and love;
As he brings each weary burden,
Ev’ry sorrow, ev’ry care,
And uplifts the heart to heaven,
In an earnest, heartfelt pray’r.

There is joy among the angels,
When they see the faithful, who,
To their ev’ry sense of duty,
Ev’ry where are firm and true,
They who bring each earthly longing
In submission to God’s will,
And with firm and true endeavor,
Strive His precepts to fulfill.

There’ll be joy among the angels,
In that home of true delight,
When the day of life is ended,
And the shadows of the night;
There’ll be joy among the angels,
When the Savior, who is King,
Shall to that bright home eternal,
All His true and faithful bring.

There’ll be joy among the angels,
On that happy, golden shore,
When we meet our loved and cherished,
There to part, no, nevermore;
There’ll be joy among the angels,
And how happy all will be,
When we meet our blessed Savior
In the day of Jubilee.

Violet E. KingSome sweet morn a day will open,
Nevermore to close in night;
We shall hail the early token
Of its everlasting light.
On that bright and blissful morrow,
Pilgrims rest, their journey o’er;
Hunger, thirst, and death, and sorrow,
We shall know and fear no more.

Some sweet morn the saints now sleeping,
In the cold and silent tomb,
Shall awake with joyful greeting,
Mantled with immortal bloom;
Then we’ll meet the friends long parted,
Once on earth a happy band;
Meet and dwell with them forever,
Over in the Morning Land.

Some sweet morn the bridal city-
We shall see with wond’ring eyes,
Coming down in all her beauty,
Crowned with glory from the skies;
Then we’ll hail the King eternal,
With His saints, a mighty throng,
And, caught up with them forever,
We shall sing the glad new song.

     Rev. E. P. Marvin

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Roses and After a long and weary strife and Thy life is hid with Christ in God

After a long and weary strife,
After a struggle ‘twixt death and life,
How sweet to feel the tempest cease,
The angry billows sink to peace,
And perfect calm begin.

After the night of darkness here,
After the gloom, the doubt, the fear,
How sweet to hail heav’n’s dawning day,
When ev’ry cloud is rolled away,
And ev’ry eye sees clear.

After the din and war of earth,
After its wild, discordant mirth,
How sweet to list the rapt’rous song
That rises from the white robed throng,
Upon the crystal sea.

After the heart’s deep agony,
After its yearning for sympathy,
How passing sweet will be the rest
Within the arms, upon the breast,
Of Christ the Comforter.

     M. Fraser

Thy life is hid with Christ in God,
By faith its pulses beat,
Tho’ mist and storm obscure thy road,
Love guides thy weary feet.

Not now is granted thee to know
Unseen the mystic hand,
Each changing phase tho' dark below,
Is bright beyond the strand.

When tempest pow’r has passed away,
And thou these scenes review,
Wilt see that One has giv’n each day
Fresh grace for trials new.

And when in heaven’s effulgent light,
Here after thou shalt know,
How close, yet veiled from human sight,
Christ walked with thee below.

O precious, sweet assurance giv’n,
Then let thy faith be strong,
What now seems dark in yonder heav’n,
Will be a theme for song.

Mrs. E. W. Chapman

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cosmos, Hollyhocks with Love divine, all love excelling, and Jesus only, mid the turmoil

Love divine, all love excelling,
Joy of heav’n, to earth come down!
Fix in us thy humble dwelling;
All thy faithful mercies crown.
Jesus, thou art all compassion,
Pure unbounded love thou art;
Visit us with thy salvation;
Enter ev’ry trembling heart.

Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit
Into ev’ry troubled breast!
Let us all in thee inherit,
Let us find that second rest.
Take away our bent to sinning;
Alpha and Omega be;
End of faith, as its beginning,
Set our hearts at liberty.

Come, almighty to deliver,
Let us all thy life receive;
Suddenly return, and never,
Never more thy temples leave;
Thee we would be always blessing,
Serve thee as thy hosts above,
Pray, and praise thee without ceasing,
Glory in thy perfect love.

Finish then thy new creation;
Pure and spotless let us be;
Let us see thy great salvation,
Perfectly restored in thee:
Changed from glory into glory,
Till in heav’n we take our place,
Till we cast our crowns before thee:
Lost in wonder, love, and praise.

Chas. Wesley

Jesus only, mid the turmoil
Of life’s weary warfare now;
Jesus only, when the deathdew
Gathers damp upon my brow.

Jesus only; let earth vanish,
Take away its worthless store;
I have found a truer treasure,
Jesus only, nothing more.

Jesus only, none but Jesus,
When the great white throne I see,
And the judgment books are opened;
Jesus only, then, for me.


Jesus only, Jesus ever,
Here is strength for ev’ry day;
He’s a Friend that faileth never,
His is love that lasts for aye.

      M. Fraser

Monday, December 16, 2013

Corn Poppies, Peonies, Daffodils, etc and Impatient heart, be still and Jesus, I have need of Thee

Impatient heart, be still!
What tho’ He tarries long?
What tho’ the triumph song
Is still delayed?
Thou hast His promise sure,
And that is all secure;
Be not afraid!  be not afraid!
Be still!  be still!
Impatient still!

My eager heart, be still!
Thy Lord will surely come,
And take thee to His home,
With Him to dwell;
It may not be today;
And yet, my soul, it may;
I can not tell, I can not tell.
Be still!  be still!
My eager still!

My anxious heart, be still!
Watch, work, and pray, and then
It will not matter when
Thy Lord shall come;
At midnight, or at noon;
He cannot come too soon
To take thee home, to take thee home.
Be still!  be still!
My anxious still!

     Geo. A. Warburton

Jesus, I have need of Thee,
Need that Thou with me abide;
Need of Thee each day and hour,
As my guard and as my guide!

Jesus, I have need of Thee,
When my wayward feet would stray;
Need that, in Thy gentleness,
Thou shouldst keep them in the way!

Jesus, I have need of Thee,
In the time of doubt and fear;
Need to feel, whate’er may come,
That Thou wilt my spirit cheer!

Jesus, I have need of Thee,
And Thy precious promises;
Need of Thee to strengthen me,
For my strength but weakness is!

Jesus, I have need of Thee,
When my heart is sorely tried;
Need to feel Thy presence near,
Whatsoever be denied!

Need of Thee, need of Thee,
Jesus, I have need of Thee.
Need of Thee each day and hour,
Jesus, I have need of Thee!

E. R. Latta

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Yellow Roses and Depression Glass with O Thou, who hast spread out the skies and

  O Thou, who hast spread out the skies,
  And measured the depths of the sea,
Our incense of praise shall arise
  In joyous thanksgiving to thee.
Forever thy presence is near,
  Though heaves our bark far from the land;
We ride on the deep without fear;
  The waters are held in thy hand.

  Eternity comes in the sound
  Of billows that never can sleep;
Jehovah encircles us round;
  Omnipotence walks on the deep.
Our Father, we look up to thee,
  As on toward the haven we roll:
And faith in our Pilot shall be
  An anchor to steady the soul.

Hannah F. Gould
There comes a time when life is sped,
When they who loved the Lord that bled,
And followed wheresoe’er He led,
     Shall walk in white.

They yield Him here their latest breath,
Love not their lives unto the death,
And soon with crowns a conq’ror hath,
     They’ll walk in white.

Not those grown cold in their desire,
Not those defiled in their attire,
Not those escaped so as by fire,
     Shall walk in white.

‘Tis not to make this earth our home-
‘Tis not in part to overcome,
Some sin denied, still grasping some,
     To walk in white.

It is to love the Lord alone;
It is to hear Well done! well done;
It is to share the Savior’s throne,
     To walk in white.

It is to sup at His dear side;
It is within His robe to hide;
Ah, heart! it is to be His bride,
     To walk in white.

H. G. Spafford

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Cat at Rest with How are thy servants blest, O Lord! and Amid the trials which I meet

  How are thy servants blest, O Lord!
  How sure is their defense!
Eternal Wisdom is their guide,
  Their help, Omnipotence.

  In foreign realms, and lands remote,
  Supported by thy care,
Through burning climes they pass unhurt
  And breathe in tainted air.

  When by the dreadful tempest borne
  High on the broken wave,
They know thou art not slow to hear,
  Nor impotent to save.

  The storm is laid, the winds retire,
  Obedient to thy will;
The sea, that roars at thy command,
  At thy command is still.

  In midst of dangers, fears, and deaths
  Thy goodness we’ll adore;
We’ll praise thee for thy mercies past,
  And humbly hope for more.

  Our life, while thou preserv’st that life,
  Thy sacrifice shall be;
And death, when death shall be our lot,
  Shall join our souls to thee.

Joseph Addison
Amid the trials which I meet,
Amid the thorns that pierce my feet,
One thought remains supremely sweet,
Thou thinkest, Lord, of me!

The cares of life come thronging fast,
Upon my soul their shadow cast;
Their gloom reminds my heart at last,
Thou thinkest, Lord, of me!

Let shadows come, let shadows go,
Let life be bright or dark with woe,
I am content, for this I know,
Thou thinkest, Lord, of me!

Thou thinkest, Lord, of me,
Thou thinkest, Lord, of me,
What need I fear since Thou art near,
And thinkest, Lord, of me.

E. D. Mund

Friday, December 13, 2013

White Roses and Old Books with Lord of the wide, extensive main and Oh, have you not heard of that country above

  Lord of the wide, extensive main,
  Whose power the wind, the sea, controls,
Whose hand doth earth and heaven sustain,
  Whose Spirit leads believing souls;

  ‘Tis here thine unknown paths we trace,
  Which dark to human eyes appear;
While through the mighty waves we pass,
  Faith only sees that God is here.

  Throughout the deep thy footsteps shine;
  We own thy way is in the sea,
O’er awed by majesty divine,
  And lost in thine immensity.

  Thy wisdom here we learn to adore;
  Thine everlasting truth we prove;
Amazing heights of boundless power,
  Unfathomable depths of love.

Charles Wesley
Oh, have you not heard of that country above,
The name of its King and His infinite love?
His children are deathless and happy, I’m told;
Oh, will it abide-will we never grow old?

That wonderful land has a city of life,
Ne’er darken’d with anguish, nor dying, nor strife;
Its temples and streets are all flashing with gold,
Oh, can it be true, will we never grow old?

A mansion of wonderful beauty is there,
And Jesus that mansion has gone to prepare;
Its bright jasper walls how I long to behold,
And join in the song that will never grow old.

They tell me its friendship and love are so pure,
Its joys never die, and its treasures are sure;
And loved ones departed, so silent and cold,
Will greet us again where we’ll never grow old.

In life’s weary conflicts, there’s fainting and care,
Each year the gray deepens a shade in the hair;
But in the blest book where my name is enrolled,
I read of that land where we’ll never grow old.

‘Twill always be new, it will never decay;
No night ever comes, it will always be day;
It gladdens my heart with a joy that’s untold,
To think of that land where we’ll never grow old.

Rev. W. W. Baily

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mixture of Spring Flowers and Glassware with While o’er the deep thy servants sail and I take my portion from Thy hand

While o’er the deep thy servants sail,
Send thou, O Lord, the prosperous gale;
And on their hearts, where’er they go,
O let thy heavenly breezes blow.

If on the morning’s wings they fly,
They will not pass beyond thine eye:
The wanderer’s prayer thou bend’st to hear,
And faith exults to know thee near.

When tempests rock the groaning bark,
O hide them safe in Jesus’ ark;
While in the tempting port they ride,
O keep them safe at Jesus’ side.

If life’s wide ocean smile or roar,
Still guide them to the heavenly shore;
And grant their dust in Christ may sleep,
Abroad, at home, or in the deep.

George Burgess

I take my portion from Thy hand,
And do not seek to understand;
For I am blind, while Thou dost see,
Thy will is mine, whate’er it be.

When darkness doth Thy face obscure,
And many sorrows I endure,
I think of Christ’s Gethsemane;
Thy will is mine, whate’er it be.

When tender joys to me are known,
I render thanks to Thee alone;
I know my cup is filled by Thee;
Thy will is mine, whate’er it be.

Thus calmly do I face my lot,
Accept it, Lord, and doubt Thee not;
Lo! all things work for good to me;
Thy will is mine, whate’er it be.

Whate’er it be! whate’er it be!
I do not fear, whate’er it be;
Thy love divine sustaineth me,
Thy will is mine, whate’er it be.

Elta M. Lewis

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Rainbow with Lord, whom winds and seas obey and In the secret of his presence

Lord, whom winds and seas obey,
Guide us through the watery way;
In the hollow of thy hand
Hide, and bring us safe to land.

Jesus, let our faithful mind
Rest, on thee alone reclined:
Every anxious thought repress;
Keep our souls in perfect peace.

Keep the souls whom now we leave;
Bid them to each other cleave;
Bid them walk on life’s rough sea;
Bid them come by faith to thee.

Save, till all these tempests end,
All who on thy love depend;
Waft our happy spirits o’er;
Land us on the heavenly shore.

Charles Wesley
In the secret of his presence
I am kept from strife of tongues;
His pavilion is around me,
And within are ceaseless songs!
Stormy winds his word fulfilling,
Beat without, but cannot harm,
For the Master’s voice is stilling,
Storm and tempest to a calm.

In the secret of his presence
All the darkness disappears;
For a sun, that knows no setting,
Throws a rainbow on my tears.
So the day grows ever lighter,
Broad’ning to the perfect noon;
So the day grows ever brighter,
Heav’n is coming, near and soon.

In the secret of his presence
Nevermore can foes alarm;
In the shadow of the Highest
I can meet them with a psalm;
For the strong pavilion hides me,
Turns their fiery darts aside,
And I know whate’er betides me,
I shall live because He died!

In the secret of his presence
Is a sweet unbroken rest;
Pleasures, joys, in glorious fullness,
Making earth like Eden blest:
So my peace grows deep and deeper,
Widening as it nears the sea,
For my Savior is my Keeper,
Keeping mine and keeping me!

In the secret of his presence
Jesus keeps, I know not how;
In the shadow of the Highest,
I am resting, hiding now.

Rev. Henry Burton, M. A.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Roses and Jewelry with A stranger in the world below and Our Fatherland, thy name so dear

  A stranger in the world below
  I calmly sojourn here;
Nor can its happiness or woe
  Provoke my hope or fear;
Its evils in a moment end,
  Its joys as soon are past;
But O, the bliss to which I tend
  Eternally shall last!

  To that Jerusalem above,
  With singing I repair;
While in the flesh, my hope and love,
  My heart and soul, are there.
There my exalted Saviour stands,
  My merciful High Priest;
And still extends his wounded hands,
  To take me to his breast.

Charles Wesley

Our Fatherland, thy name so dear
Our souls repeat while strangers here;
And oh, how oft we sigh for thee,
Our Fatherland beyond the sea.

Above the stars, above the skies,
Thy tow’ring hills majestic rise;
Thy sunny fields with verdure glow,
And fadeless flowers in beauty grow.

There Jesus reigns, our Saviour-King,
And one by one his own will bring,
Thy songs to join, thy bliss to share,
O Fatherland, our Zion fair.

No tears shall dim, no pain destroy
The light of peace, the smiles of joy;
No more we’ll clasp the parting hand
Within thy gates, our Fatherland.

Our Fatherland, dear Fatherland,
We long to press thy golden strand
And hail the bright and shining band,
In thy sweet vales, dear Fatherland.

Fanny J. Crosby

Monday, December 9, 2013

Flowers and Candle with And let this feeble body fall and Blest assurance ever dear

  And let this feeble body fall,
  And let it faint, or die;
My soul shall quit the mournful vale,
  And soar to worlds on high;
Shall join the disembodied saints,
  And find its long-sought rest,
That only bliss for which it pants,
  In the Redeemer’s breast.

  In hope of that immortal crown
  I now the cross sustain,
And gladly wander up and down,
  And smile at toil and pain:
I suffer on my threescore years,
  Till my Deliverer come,
And wipe away his servant’s tears,
  And take his exile home.

  O what hath Jesus bought for me!
  Before my ravished eyes
Rivers of life divine I see,
  And trees of paradise:
I see a world of spirits bright,
  Who taste the pleasures there;
They all are robed in spotless white,
  And conquering palms they bear.

  O what are all my sufferings here,
  If, Lord, thou count me meet
With that enraptured host to appear,
  And worship at thy feet!
Give joy or grief, give ease or pain,
  Take life or friends away,
But let me find them all again
  In that eternal day.

Charles Wesley
Blest assurance ever dear,
As our troubles come so fast;
How it does the spirit cheer,
To be promised peace at last.

Though by sorrow’s dismal cloud,
Be our pathway overcast,
Through the Saviour’s precious blood
We are promised peace at last.

We can stand the driving rains,
We can bide the cutting blast;
While the promise still remains
Of unbroken peace at last.

Peace at last, peace at last,
When our sorrows all are past,
And ‘tis coming, oh, how fast,
Peace at last,
Peace at last, peace at last,
‘Tis coming, coming, peace at last.

E. R. Latta

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Falling in Building with I’ve found a Friend who is all to me and Earthly ties are breaking, breaking

I’ve found a Friend who is all to me,
His love is ever true;
I love to tell how He lifted me,
And what His grace can do for you.

He saves me from ev’ry sin and harm,
Secures my soul each day;
I’m leaning strong on His mighty arm;
I know He’ll guide me all the way.

When poor and needy, and all alone,
In love He said to me,
“Come unto Me and I’ll lead you home,
To live with Me eternally.”

Saved by His pow’r divine,
Saved to new life sublime!
Life now is sweet and my
Joy is complete, for I’m
Saved, saved, saved!

J. P. Scholfield
Earthly ties are breaking, breaking,
Sundered as the years roll on;
Fondest hopes are waning, waning,
Gliding from us one by one.
There’s nothing abiding but heav’n alone,
But heav’n alone;
Our treasures with Jesus we’ll find by and by,
Yes, we’ll find by and by.

Jesus’ work is calling, calling,
Few the earnest call obey;
Faithful souls are toiling, toiling,
Lab’ring while ‘tis called today.
There’s nothing abiding but heav’n alone,
But heav’n alone;
If working for Jesus we’ll rest by and by,
Yes, we’ll rest by and by.

Earthly toils are ceasing, ceasing,
Toilers homeward wend their way;
Angel bands are flying, flying,
Bearing them to realms of day.
There’s nothing abiding but heav’n alone,
But heav’n alone;
If dying for Jesus we’ll live by and by,
Yes, we’ll live by and by.

Earthly scenes are fading, fading,
Christian! upward turn thine eye;
Heav’nly beams are bright’ning, bright’ning,
We shall reign with Him on high.
There’s nothing abiding but heav’n alone,
But heav’n alone;
If suff’ring with Jesus we’ll reign by and by,
Yes, we’ll reign by and by.

Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Black and White with As I fare on my way to my daily task and Whatever your trouble may be

As I fare on my way to my daily task,
“What, O Lord, shall I do?”
I would now Thee ask,
For I know He will come-some bright, happy day,
When He calleth, what shall His servants say?

He will come as He said, for His word is sure;
In the promise of God we may rest secure;
But the soul that with gladness the King would meet,
Must be watching, waiting His face to greet.

With my hand on the latch, with my task well done,
I must wait for the step of the Coming One;
Tho’ He tarry, I’ll wait; He has left for me
Work to finish ere His dear face I see.

Watching, watching each day for my Savior’s call;
Waiting, waiting for Him who is all in all;
Trusting, trusting my Lord as my song I sing,
Watching, waiting, trusting my Lord and King.

Julia H. Johnston
Whatever your trouble may be,
Go right to the Lord with it all!
He pities the suffering heart,
He’ll listen to you if you call!

Whatever your trouble may be,
And whatsoe’er others may say,
Go right to the Lord with it all,-
The Lord will not turn you away!

Whatever your trouble may be,
If poverty, sickness, or grief,
Go right to the Lord with it all,-
The Lord will afford you relief!

Whatever your trouble may be,
And wheresoe’er others may go,
Go right to the Lord with it all,-
No other can comfort you so!

Whatever your trouble may be,
With Jesus there ever is room!
Go right to the Lord with it all,-
The Saviour invites you to come!

To Jesus, to Jesus,
For help and for sympathy flee,
Whatever your trouble may be,
Whatever your trouble may be!

E. R. Latta

Friday, December 6, 2013

Dried Flowers and Eggs with Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming and We are pilgrims looking home

Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming,
To cheer the wand’rer lone and tempest tossed;
No storm can hide that radiance peaceful beaming,
Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

Give me the Bible, when my heart is broken,
When sin and grief have filled my soul with fear;
Give me the precious words by Jesus spoken,
Hold up faith’s lamp to show my Savior near.

Give me the Bible, all my steps enlighten,
Teach me the danger of these realms below;
That lamp of safety, o’er the gloom shall brighten,
That light alone the path of peace can show.

Give me the Bible, lamp of life immortal,
Hold up that splendor by the open grave;
Show me the light from heaven’s shining portal,
Show me the glory gilding Jordan’s wave.

Give me the Bible! holy message shining,
Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way.
Precept and promise, law and love combining,
Till night shall vanish in eternal day.

Priscilla J. Owens

We are pilgrims looking home,
Sad and weary, oft we roam,
But we know ‘twill all be well in the morning;
When, our anchor safely cast,
Ev’ry stormy wave is past,
And we gather safe at last in the morning.

O these tender broken ties,
How they dim our aching eyes,
But like jewels they will shine in the morning;
When our victor palms we bear,
And our robes immortal wear,
We shall know each other there in the morning.

When our fettered souls are free,
Far beyond the narrow sea,
And we hear the Savior’s voice in the morning;
When our golden sheaves we bring
To the feet of Christ our King,
What a chorus we shall sing in the morning.

Thro’ our pilgrim journey here,
Tho’ the night is sometimes drear,
Let us watch and persevere till the morning;
Then our highest tribute raise
For the love that crowns our days,
And to Jesus give the praise in the morning.

When we all meet again in the morning,
On the sweet, blooming hills in the morning;
Never more to say good night
In that sunny region bright,
When we hail the blessed light of the morning.

Lizzie Edwards

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Peonies and Mirror with God will fill our hearts for service and All praise to Him who reigns above

God will fill our hearts for service,
In the same old way;
He will answer prayer and bless us
In the same old way.

Does your heart burn for another
In the same old way?
Will you seek to win some other
In the same old way?

God will help the weak and weary
In the same old way;
He will cheer the life that’s dreary
In the same old way.

Will you tell the wondrous story
In the same old way?
That your Lord may have the glory
In the same old way?

In the same old way,
In the same old way;
God will bless and save His people
In the same old way.

J. P. Scholfield

All praise to Him who reigns above,
  In majesty supreme;
Who gave his Son for man to die,
  That he might man redeem.

His name above all names shall stand,
  Exalted more and more,
At God the Father’s own right hand,
  Where angel hosts adore.

Redeemer, Savior, Friend of man,
  Once ruined by the fall,
Thou hast devised salvation’s plan,
  For thou hast died for all.

His name shall be the Counselor,
  The mighty Prince of Peace,
Of all earth’s kingdoms conqueror,
  Whose reign shall never cease.

The ransomed hosts to thee shall bring
  Their praise and homage meet;
With rapturous awe adore their King,
  And worship at his feet.

Then shall we know as we are known,
  And in that world above
Forever sing around the throne
  His everlasting love.

Blessed be the name, blessed be the name,
Blessed be the name of the Lord;
Blessed be the name, blessed be the name,
Blessed be the name of the Lord.

W. H. Clark

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Peonies and Jewelry with I heard a voice saying, “Come unto Me,” and After the toil and turmoil, After the strife is past, Cometh the peace God giveth,- Cometh the rest at last. They who have fought and conquer’d, Waging a war with sin, Into the heavenly city Gladly will enter in. Rest for the worn and weary, Shelter for all the lost, And in the blessed haven, Anchor the tempest tossed. Chorus: Rest, sweet rest for the weary, After the toil and pain, Sleep for the well beloved, Crowns will the victors gain. Mrs. C. L. Shacklock

I heard a voice saying, “Come unto Me,”
Is it not wonderful?
“I have redeemed thee, from sin set you free;”
Is it not wonderful?

When I am tempted, to Jesus I go;
Is it not wonderful?
Strength He doth give me to conquer each foe;
Is it not wonderful?

I have not found such a friend anywhere;
Is it not wonderful?
He never leaves me lest I should despair;
Is it not wonderful?

Is it not wonderful?  Is it not wonderful?
His dying for me,
From my sins set me free,
Is it not wonderful?

Scott Lawrence

After the toil and turmoil,
After the strife is past,
Cometh the peace God giveth,-
Cometh the rest at last.

They who have fought and conquer’d,
Waging a war with sin,
Into the heavenly city
Gladly will enter in.

Rest for the worn and weary,
Shelter for all the lost,
And in the blessed haven,
Anchor the tempest tossed.

Rest, sweet rest for the weary,
After the toil and pain,
Sleep for the well beloved,
Crowns will the victors gain.

Mrs. C. L. Shacklock

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cat and Flowers with Hark to the music resounding and I am waiting for the Master

Hark to the music resounding,
Reapers are needed today;
Fields are all white, to the harvest
Let us be up and away!
Ever the Master is calling,
Hasten! the shadows are falling;
On to the harvest field,
Gather the golden yield,
Precious sheaves.

Forward with hearts full of gladness,
Reapers, I pray you, make haste;
Grain there is ready and waiting,
If not soon gathered, will waste;
Then let us hear you replying,
Labor with courage undying,
Send up a word of cheer,
Tell of the rest so near,
Rest at home.

Hark to the song they are singing!
See, they have treasures so rare;
Soon will the harvest be ended,
Haste, then, their trophies to share.
Let no one be idly dreaming,
Look! look! the harvest is gleaming,
Join ye the reaping band,
Lend them a helping hand,
Ere the night.

Hark! hark! comes the song,
On! on! join the throng;
Forth with joyful, loving heart,
Bravely do your part;
Hark! hark! rings the call;
Haste! haste! one and all;
On where the harvest stands,
Waiting for willing hands
Souls to win.

Lizzie DeArmond

I am waiting for the Master,
Who will bid me rise and come
To the glory of his presence,
To the gladness of his home.

Many a weary path I’ve traveled,
In the darkest storm and strife,
Bearing many a heavy burden, -
Often struggling for my life.

Many friends that traveled with me
Reached that portal long ago;
One by one they left me battling
With the dark and crafty foe.

Yes, their pilgrimage was shorter,
And their triumphs sooner won;
Oh, how lovingly they’ll greet me
When the toils of life are done.

Yet, O Lord, I wait thy pleasure,
For thy time and ways are best;
Hear me, Lord, for I am weary;
O my Father, bid me rest.

They are watching at the portal,
They are waiting at the door;
Waiting only for my coming
All the loved ones gone before.

Mrs. Kate M. Reasoner

Monday, December 2, 2013

White Mums with When troubled my soul, and when peace I would find and We shall walk with him in white

When troubled my soul, and when peace I would find,
How sweet is the love of Jesus!
When lonely I feel, and when friends are unkind,
How sweet is His love to me!

When fainting and helpless I fall in despair,
How sweet is the love of Jesus!
When suff’ring with pain, and when sorrow I bear,
How sweet is His love to me!

When dark is the night, and when sorely distressed,
How sweet is the love of Jesus!
When longing my soul for His comfort and rest,
How sweet is His love to me!

O how sweet, O how sweet is His love,
How sweet is His love to me!
When friends all have gone, and I suffer alone,
How sweet is His love to me!

James Rowe
We shall walk with him in white,
In that country pure and bright,
Where shall enter naught that may defile;
Where the day beam ne’er declines,
For the blessed light that shines
Is the glory of the Savior’s smile.

We shall walk with him in white,
Where faith yields to blissful sight,
When the beauty of the King we see;
Holding converse full and sweet,
In a fellowship complete;
Waking songs of holy melody.

We shall walk with him in white,
By the fountains of delight,
Where the Lamb his ransomed ones shall lead,
For his blood shall wash each stain,
Till no spot of sin remain,
And the soul forevermore is freed.

Beautiful robes,
Beautiful robes,
Beautiful robes we then shall wear,
Garments of light, lovely and bright,
Walking with Jesus in white,
Beautiful robes we shall wear.

E. E. Hewitt

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fruit and Flower Bowl with How many times has He lightened our cares and On the mount of wondrous glory

How many times has He lightened our cares,
Over and over again!
How many times has He answered our prayers,
Over and over again!
Then tell of His goodness to thee and to thine,
And tell of His mercies to me and to mine,
Repeat the old story of pardon divine,
Over and over again.

He ne’er refuses to hear, tho’ we call
Over and over again,
Send show’rs of blessing so freely on all,
Over and over again;
Oh, why are you silent so often, so long,
When telling the story will turn them from wrong?
Then tell it, O tell it in praise or in song,
Over and over again.

Tho’ we may wander in byways of sin,
Over and over again,
The heart of Jesus will bid us come in,
Over and over again;
Then let us be willing, wherever the place,
To tell of His kindness, His pardon, His grace,
And some day in glory, we’ll look on His face,
Over and over again.

Over and over again,
Over and over again,
O what a wonderful story to tell,
Over and over again.

Floy S. Armstrong
On the mount of wondrous glory,
Borne aloft by faith we stand,
While we drink the crystal waters
Flowing down from Eden’s land.

On the mount of wondrous glory,
Where so oft ‘tis ours to be,
In the brightness of his presence,
Christ, our Lord, reveal’d we see.

On the mount of wondrous glory,
Where he bids me come and rest,
Jesus spreads a feast before us,
Making each a welcome guest.

If on earth our souls are honor’d
With such visions of delight,
Who can tell our heights of rapture,
When our faith is lost in sight.

How the heart, its toil forgets,
In the joy we there behold; there behold;
In the fullness of his love, of his love,
That is better felt than told.

Sallie M. Smith

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mums with I am held by God’s right hand and It was spoken for the Master

I am held by God’s right hand,
Roll, billows, roll!
I fear naught on sea or land, so
Roll, billows, roll!

What care I for rock or shoal?
Roll, billows roll!
All God’s host surround my soul, so
Roll, billows, roll!

Tho’ what Satan should assail,
Roll, billows, roll!
In God’s might I shall prevail, so
Roll, billows roll!

Oh, that you, my friend, could say
“Roll, billows, roll!
Christ is keeping me each day, so
Roll, billows, roll!”

Roll, billows roll!
Roll, billows, roll!
Jesus is my anchor and
He’ll keep my soul from ev’ry foe;
So roll, billows roll!
Roll, billows roll!
Jesus is my anchor and
He’ll keep my soul.

J. P. Scholfield

It was spoken for the Master
Oh, how lovingly it fell!
It was uttered in a whisper,
Who had breathed it none could tell.
It was spoken for the Master,
Only just a little word,
But the chords that long had slumbered,
In a grief-worn heart were stirred.

Oh, we know not when we scatter,
Where the precious seed will fall,
But we work and trust in Jesus,
For he watcheth over all.
We may sow beside the waters,
Of affliction, it may be,
But the fruits of earnest labor
At the reaping we shall see.

When our busy toil is over,
From the vineyard when we go,
We shall find a store of blessings
That on earth we could not know.
We shall wonder at the brightness
Of the crowns we then shall wear,
But the Lord himself will tell us
Why he placed the jewels there.

Gentle words of patient kindness,
Tho’ unheeded oft they seem,
To the fold of grace may gather
Souls of which we little dream.

Lizzie Edwards

Friday, November 29, 2013

Fallen Sparrow with Failing in strength when opprest by my foes and There’s naught on earth to rest on

Failing in strength when opprest by my foes,
Somebody knows,
Somebody knows;
Waiting for someone to banish my woes,
Somebody knows,-’tis Jesus.

Why should I fear when the care billows roll?
Somebody knows,
Somebody knows;
When the deep shadows sweep o’er my soul,
Somebody knows,-’tis Jesus.

Wounded and helpless and sick with distress,
Somebody knows,
Somebody knows;
Longing for home and a mother’s caress,
Somebody knows,-’tis Jesus.

Somebody knows,
Somebody knows
When I am tempted and tried by my foes;
He is the One who will keep me-
Somebody knows-’tis Jesus.

Alfred H. Ackley

There’s naught on earth to rest on,
All things are changing here;
The smiles of joy we gaze on;
The friends we hold so dear.
One Friend alone is changeless,
The One too oft forgot,
Whose love hath stood for ages,
For Jesus changeth not.

The sweetest flow’r that blooms here,
And sheds its fragrance round,
Ere ev’ning comes has withered,
And lies upon the ground.
The dark and dreary desert,
That hath not one green spot
Abounds in living pastures;
With him who changeth not.

Clouds oft o’ercast our sunshine,
So beautiful, so bright,
And while we still admire it,
It darkens into night.
One sky alone is cloudless,
Where darkness cometh not;
‘Tis found alone with Jesus,
For Jesus changeth not.

And friendship’s smile avails not
To cheer us here below,
For smiles are oft deceitful,
And lure to overthrow.
One smile alone can gladden,
Whate’er the pilgrim’s lot;
It is the smile of Jesus,
For Jesus changeth not.

And while stern time moves onward,
And nears eternity,
The hand of death brings changes
In ev’ry thing we see.
But faith has found a Savior
Whose promise faileth not;
Our life is hid with Jesus,
And Jesus changeth not.

Frederick Whitfield

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wild Looking Flowers with Savior, more than life to me and Praise him for his glory, praise him for his grace

Savior, more than life to me,
I am clinging, clinging close to Thee;
Let Thy precious blood applied,
Keep me ever, ever near Thy side.

Thro’ this changing world below,
Lead me gently, gently as I go;
Trusting Thee, I cannot stray,
I can never, never lose my way.

Let me love Thee more and more,
Till this fleeting, fleeting life is o’er;
Till my soul is lost in love,
In a brighter, brighter world above.


Ev’ry day, ev’ry hour,
Let me feel Thy cleansing pow’r;
May Thy tender love to me
Bind me closer, closer, Lord to Thee.

Fanny J. Crosby
Praise him for his glory, praise him for his grace,
For his help adapted to each time and place,
For his promised presence all the pilgrim way,
For the flaming pillar, and the cloud by day.

Praise for free forgiveness, power which makes us whole,
For his touch of healing, strengthening the soul,
For his gifts of kindness and his loving care,
For the best assurance that he answers prayer.

Praise him for the trials sent as chords of love,
Binding us more closely to the things above,
For the faith that conquers, hope that naught can dim,
For the land where loved ones gather home to him.

Praise him, shining angels, on your harps of gold,
All his hosts adore him who his face behold,
Thro’ his great dominion, while the ages roll,
All his works shall praise him, all his works shall praise him,
All his works shall praise him; bless the Lord, my soul.

E. E. Hewitt

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bark of a Fallen Tree with In the harvest field there is work to do and I will praise the Lord today

In the harvest field there is work to do,
For the grain is ripe, and the reapers few;
And the Master’s voice bids the workers true
Heed the call that He gives today.

Crowd the garner well with the sheaves all bright,
Let the song be glad, and the heart be light,
Fill the precious hours, ere the shades of night
Take the place of the golden day.

In the gleaner’s path may be rich reward,
Tho’ the time seems long, and the labor hard;
For the Master’s joy, with His chosen shared,
Drives the gloom from the darkest day.

Lo!  the Harvest Home in the realms above
Shall be gained by each who has toiled and strove,
When the Master’s voice, in His words of love,
Calls away to eternal day.

Labor on, labor on,
Keep the bright reward in view,
For the Master has said
He will strength renew;
Labor on till the close of day.

Dr. C. R. Blackall
I will praise the Lord today,
For the Lord is good to me:
And his love appears as the sweetest gift,
‘Mid the blessings that I see.

I will praise the Lord today,
For his name is more than sweet:
And I gather strength for the toils of life
As I worship at his feet.

I will praise the Lord today,
For his word is life and love:
And the hope he gives is a blessed hope,
For it lifts my soul above.

I will praise the Lord today,
For the Lord has ransomed me;
He has set his seal on this soul of mine,
That his glory I may see.

Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth,
Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth,
Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth,
And with my song will I praise him.

E. A. Barnes

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lone Sheep with Patient ‘neath Thy hand, Lord and Like a shepherd, tender, true

Patient ‘neath Thy hand, Lord,
Ever let me lie;
Thou the heav’nly Worker,
Clay to mold am I.
As the clay is fashioned
By the potter’s will,
So I wish to be, Lord,
Calm, submissive still.

Only Thou canst cleanse me
From my sins’ dark blight;
Only Thou canst fashion
Vessels pure and white.
“Vessels unto honor”
Some bright souls shall be;
In some humble station,
Lord, find place for me.

Ready for Thy service
If Thou choosest so;
Ready but to wait, Lord,
Till Thou sayest, “Go!”
O that Thou wouldst choose me
For Thy work today!
But, if not, then use me
In Thine own best way.

I am in Thy hand, Lord,
And would not rebel,
For I surely know Thou
Doeth all things well.

Flora Kirkland

Like a shepherd, tender, true,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads,
Daily finds us pastures new,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads;
If thick mists are o’er the way,
Or the flock ‘mid danger feeds,
He will watch them lest they stray,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads.

All along life’s rugged road
Jesus leads, Jesus leads,
Till we reach yon blest abode,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads;
All the way, before, He’s trod,
And He now the flock precedes,
Safe into the fold of God
Jesus leads, Jesus leads.

Thro’ the sunlit ways of life
Jesus leads, Jesus leads,
Thro’ the warrings and the strife
Jesus leads, Jesus leads;
When we reach the Jordan’s tide,
Where life’s bound’ry line recedes,
He will spread the waves aside,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads.

John R. Clements

Monday, November 25, 2013

Cat with I am thinking today of that glorious time and Sweet are the promises, Kind is the word

I am thinking today of that glorious time
When my soul shall have entered that Heaven-blest clime,
And the song of the ransomed shall fall on my ear,
Which sometimes I am heartsick and homesick to hear.

Only sinners redeemed by the blood of the Lamb,
Only those who thro’ great tribulation have come,
Have a part in the song which shall ring thro’ the skies
As the shouts of the ransomed in triumph arise.

So I long for the day when His face I shall see,
And from earth’s limitations my soul shall be free;
With no discordant note when His praises I’ll sing-
Hallelujahs forever to Jesus my King!


Some day, some glorious day,
When my soul shall be free from this cumbersome clay,
I shall join the glad song of the glorified throng
To praise my Redeemer, some day, some day.

Mrs. C. H. Morris
Sweet are the promises, kind is the word;
Dearer far than any message man ever heard,
Pure was the mind of Christ, Sinless I see;
He the great example is, and pattern for me.

Sweet is the tender love Jesus hath shown;
Sweeter far than any love that mortals have known,
Kind to the erring one, Faithful is He;
He the great example is, and pattern for me.

List to His loving words, “Come unto Me;”
Weary, heavy-laden, there is sweet rest for thee,
Trust in His promises, Faithful and sure;
Lean upon the Savior, and thy soul is secure.

Where He leads I’ll follow,
Follow all the way.
Where He leads I’ll follow,
Follow Jesus ev’ry day.

W. A. Ogden