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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Peonies, Mirror with Are you heavyladen and with sorrow tried and Thy way, O God, is in the sea

Are you heavy laden and with sorrow tried?
Look in faith to Christ, your Helper, Friend, and Guide;
Think of all your mercies, such a boundless store,
Tears will change to praises as you count them o’er.

Think of hidden dangers he has brought you thro’,
Of the cares and burdens he has borne for you,
Of his words of comfort in your deepest need,
Count the times when Jesus proved a Friend indeed.

Does your pathway darken when the clouds draw near?
Count your many mercies, dry the flowing tear;
Trust him in the shadows dim and have no fear;
“Heav ‘n will be the sweeter for the dark down here.”

As he looks from heaven down on you and me,
Know you not he chooseth what each day shall be?
Trust his loving wisdom, tho’ the hot tears start,
Give to him the incense of a grateful heart.

Count your mercies, such a boundless store,
Count your mercies, pressed and running o’er,
All your mercies, count them o’er and o’er,
Lost in love and wonder at the boundless store.
                                     Flora Kirkland, alt.
Thy way, O God, is in the sea,
  Thy paths I cannot trace;
Nor comprehend the mystery
  Of Thy unbounded grace.

Here the dark veils of flesh and sense
  My captive soul surround;
Mysterious deeps of Providence
  My wondering thoughts confound.

As through a glass, I dimly see
  The wonders of Thy love:
How little do I know of Thee,
  Or of the joys above!

‘Tis but in part, I know Thy will;
  I bless Thee for the sight:
When will Thy love the rest reveal,
  In glory’s clearer light?

With rapture shall I then survey
  Thy providence and grace;
And spend an everlasting day
  In wonder, love, and praise.

Rev. John Fawcett

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